Understanding self awareness and why it might be important for resilience could help prepare us for tough times. Very simply put, self awareness is how we experience and understand our own character, feelings, desires and motives. When we are self aware, we are better able to gauge what affects us, and how. The conditions we live in are very often outside our control. In order to maximize how well we navigate our conditions, being optimally self aware is important. Knowing why we are the way we are can help minimize the impact of constraints.
Each of us responds differently to difficulties. Those who are more self aware are better able to see adversity in the proper context. We have no choice but to think and act. And when we understand how our responses affect ourselves and others, we can act to foster goodwill, cooperation and harmony. We become able to choose between recklessness and prudence, between patience and impatience. With such an ability, friction lessens and difficulties can be successfully maneuvered.
In understanding self awareness and why it might be important for resilience, we can tread a difficult path with determination and resolve. With firm resolve, limitations deter us less and it becomes possible to discover ease irrespective of circumstances. In addition, our thoughts and feelings cause less distress because we begin to comprehend the reasons behind their occurrence. That there are limitations in how prosperous or successful we can be ought to be seen clearly. The capacity to minimize damage comes only with clarity of this kind. Whether we know it or not, we can always discover freedom from restrictive emotions and intentions. When our intentions are aligned with our abilities, we can be clear about what we should do and what causes disturbance. With clarity about what is possible, focus as well as endurance are enhanced and we can keep moving in the direction we choose to.